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Terms and Conditions

 1. Enrolment for MUSE Education courses must be fully completed and returned 14 days prior to the commencement of any MUSE Studio Collective Course.

2. Enrolment fees must be paid in full to Muse Studio Collective on or before the first day of any course.

3. A deposit of 50%  towards enrolment fees is due no later than 14 days prior to the commencement of any MUSE Studio Collective Course.

4. In addition to 1, 2 and 3 above, enrolment in any MUSE Studio Collective Course is not confirmed until the student has received a written confirmation that the student has been accepted into the School course.


5. A student may cancel their enrolment in a MUSE Studio Collective Course, where just cause exists (to be determined at the sole discretion of the Muse Studio Collective Director), provided a request to cancel their enrolment is made in writing and received by MUSE Studio Collective no later than 15 days prior to the commencement of the course for which the student is enrolled.

6. If the cancellation is approved, the student will receive a full refund of any tuition fees and deposit that the student paid towards that course.

7. A student may not cancel their enrolment in a MUSE Studio Collective course later than 15 days prior to the commencement of the course for which the student is enrolled.

8. If MUSE Studio Collective cancels or is unable to conduct a course for any reason students will, at the discretion of MUSE Studio Collective, be provided with a refund, deferment, or transfer into a similar course to the original one the student had enrolled in.

9. A student may request a deferment of their enrolment no later than 14 days prior to the commencement of MUSE Studio Collective course for which the student is enrolled. Approval of any deferment is within the sole discretion of the MUSE Studio Collective Director.

10. If the deferment is approved, the student may transfer their tuition fees and deposit to another MUSE Studio Collective course that they have been accepted into.

11. If a student does not wish to attend the MUSE Studio Collective course that they are enrolled in, and the student fails to request a cancellation prior to 15 days before the commencement of the course and fails to request a deferment prior to 14 days before the commencement of the course, the student forfeits their enrolment fees and deposit.

12. It is the policy of MUSE Studio Collective not to issue any refunds for any enrolment fees paid (including deposits) if a student fails to complete the course or is in any way unsatisfied with the content or delivery of the course.

13. If the student fails to complete the course, or is in any way unsatisfied with the content or delivery of the course, the student may request a private meeting with the Directors of MUSE Studio Collective to address the student’s concerns, or lodge a complaint or appeal.


14. If you refer a friend that starts the same course as you, you will receive a discount of 10% off your course fee.


Payment options
15. Students may pay their course fees by credit card (in person, or over the phone).
16. MUSE Studio Collective provides students with a pay as you go facility for our Pro Makeup Artist course. Please contact us for details. 

Course Postponement
17. MUSE Studio Collective reserves the right to postpone any course if student enrolments fall below a satisfactory number or for any other reason. Students will be notified no later than 7 days prior to commencement of the course for which they are enrolled if the course is postponed. Students will then be given an option of enrolling in the same MUSE Studio Collective at another time.


Course Changes
18. MUSE Studio Collective reserves the right to change (within Trade Practice guidelines) the content or delivery of any MUSE Studio Collectivebut will ensure that any such changes do not detrimentally affect the quality or standard of the course provided to students enrolled.

19. Once enrolled, students are required to attend ALL scheduled lessons in a MUSE Studio Collective course. Failure to do so may affect the student’s outcome. if a class is missed due to any reason the student must enrol for 1:1 resit lesson at an additional fee.

20. MUSE Studio Collective will retain records of attendance at all sessions.


Student Conduct
21. MUSE Studio Collective reserves the right to suspend or expel students whose conduct is unacceptable, including:

a. Disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour;

b. Poor attendance or performance;

c. Illegal or irresponsible behaviour.

22. MUSE Studio Collective strives to provide a teaching environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and that supports group and individual development.

23. This requires the cooperation and engagement of students, models and course presenters. It is therefore expected that students (and their models) will:

a. Respect the rights of other students attending the course

b. Be respectful of MUSE Studio Collective staff

c. Refrain from behaviour that is disruptive, offensive and may undermine group dynamics.

24. Where a student’s behaviour impacts on group learning and harmony the course presenter has the right to follow the following guidelines:

a. Give a verbal warning – Speak to the student, identifying the issues that are of concern.

b. If the behaviour continues – The student concerned may be asked to leave the course. (Under these circumstances the student will not be eligible for a refund).


Special Assistance
25. Students must notify MUSE Studio Collective in writing at least 7 days prior to the commencement of the course that they are enrolled in if they require special assistance of any kind in order to attend and/or complete the course, including special assistance relating to a disability. Such information will be kept in the strictest confidence.

26. While MUSE Studio Collective may from time to time recommend students for positions or opportunities within the industry, at its sole discretion, MUSE Studio Collective is not an employment agency.


Assessment Guidelines
35. The courses where MUSE Studio Collective issues a Statement of Attainment will require students to complete formal assessments. All assessment is expected to be the original work of the student.

Assessment Extensions
36. Please contact your assessor prior to the due date of your assessment task to discuss your requirements for an extension.

37. The late submission of assessments (without having previously received an extension) or the failure to submit assessments will not be acceptable reasons to appeal an assessment decision.

Complaints and Appeals
38. The MUSE Studio Collective seeks to resolve complaints and appeals at the lowest appropriate level and in a fair, equitable and transparent manner.

39. Students may lodge a complaint about any aspect of their experience at, or the services provided by, the MUSE Studio Collective


40. In the first instance students should discuss their complaint with the person most likely to be able to resolve the complaint.
a. If the complaint is about a fellow student the complaint should be made to the course teacher.
b. If the complaint is about a course presenter, a staff member, or the quality of services provided by MUSE Studio Collective the complaint should be made to the Director

39. Students may lodge a complaint about any aspect of their experience at, or the services provided by, MUSE Studio Collective

40. In the first instance students should discuss their complaint with the person most likely to be able to resolve the complaint.

a. If the complaint is about a fellow student the complaint should be made to the course teacher.

b. If the complaint is about a course presenter, a staff member, or the quality of services provided by MUSE Studio Collective the complaint should be made to the Director

41. In some instances it may not be appropriate or a student may not wish to discuss their complaint directly with the person who is most likely to be able to resolve their complaint. In this instance a formal written complaint may be lodged with MUSE Studio Collective Director.

42. Once a complaint has been received the Director will contact the student within 10 business days to discuss the complaint and negotiate an outcome.

43. Within 10 business days of negotiating the outcome the Director will send to the student written confirmation of the outcome and the action taken to resolve the complaint.

44. All documentation relating to complaints will be kept strictly confidential.

46. Students may appeal an assessment decision where they feel that the conduct of the assessment or the outcome of the assessment was unfair.

47. In the first instance students should discuss their assessment (and reason for lodging an appeal) with their assessor.

48. MUSE Studio Collective has a flexible assessment process that allows students to be reassessed where competence was not demonstrated on the first attempt.

49. Based on this discussion, MUSE Studio Collective will arrange for a reassessment of the student, including taking steps as mutually agreed to address the issues that led to the initial assessment appeal.

50. If a student is not able to resolve the appeal during this initial discussion with their assessor they may lodge a formal assessment appeal in writing.

51. Once an assessment appeal has been received the Director will contact the student within 10 business days to discuss the appeal and negotiate an outcome.

52. Within 10 business days of negotiating the outcome the Director will send to the student written confirmation of the outcome and the action taken to address the appeal.

53. All documentation relating to appeals will be kept strictly confidential.

54. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal process they may lodge a complaint.

Rights and Obligations
55. Students enrolled in MUSE Studio Collective courses can expect:
a. Training to be delivered by qualified and experienced trainers and assessors
b. Accurate and current information about the beauty and make up industry
c. Clean, comfortable, and professional facilities
d. Our staff to conduct themselves in a professional manner
e. High quality training and assessment methods and resources


56. Students enrolled in a MUSE Studio Collective program are entitled to:
a. Be treated with fairness, courtesy and respect
b. Learn in an environment free of harassment and discrimination
c. Be informed about how assessment will be conducted
d. Lodge a complaint or appeal following our procedures
e. Be supported in your learning with us
f. The protection of your personal data, in accordance with our legal requirements


57. Students enrolled in a MUSE Studio Collective program are responsible for:
a. Being punctual and attending all sessions
b. Treating other people with fairness, respect and courtesy
c. Attending assessment sessions and submitting assessments by the due date
d. Not cheating or plagiarising during your assessments
e. Observing normal safety practices, including reporting and safety or WHS concerns to a MUSE Studio Collective staff member
f. Behave in a responsible manner by not damaging or vandalising the MUSE Studio Collective or other students’ property, not littering, harassing, offending or distracting fellow students, injuring other people, or attending class affected by alcohol or drugs.

Access and Equity
58. MUSE Studio Collective incorporates the principles of equity into all programs.

59. MUSE Studio Collective staff have been instructed in their responsibilities with regards to Access and Equity principles.

60. Participants have equitable access to our programs irrespective of their gender, culture, linguistic background, race, location or socio-economic background.

61. Some courses have a limited number of places and these will be filled in chronological order upon completion of enrolment. Admission procedures will therefore be free of discrimination.

Privacy: I agree that the information I provide, including the information submitted on this enrolment form, may be used for the purposes of general student administration, communication, state and national reporting, program monitoring and evaluation. 
b. Agreement: I have read, understood, and agree to the Conditions of Enrolment 


Shop 3 / 880 Canning Hwy

Applecross, WA 6153



By Appointment only

*Please note our office hours are between 10am-4pm Tuesday - Saturday


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